revolax filler

Understanding Revolax Filler: Benefits, Uses, And Application Techniques

Finding the right solution for facial enhancement can be a challenge. Revolax offers a high-quality answer, known as the UK’s No. 1 dermal filler. This article will guide you through the benefits, uses, and how to apply Revolax filler effectively.

To answer the question of how long does Revolax last and where to buy Revolax – keep on reading.

Key Takeaways

  • Revolax filler smooths wrinkles and adds volume to the face, lasting up to 18 months.
  • It suits different purposes: smoothing nasolabial folds, jaw definition, lip enhancement, and non-surgical rhinoplasty.
  • Application techniques vary with the area being treated; proper aftercare is crucial for long-lasting results.
  • The Revolax range includes Fine, Deep, and Sub-Q types designed for specific facial enhancements.
  • Patient aftercare and personalized treatment plans are essential for a positive patient experience.

Introduction to Revolax Filler

Revolax filler has gained significant attention in the field of aesthetic medicine due to its exceptional properties and advantages. As a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler, Revolax is designed to provide natural-looking results with long-lasting effects.

Key properties and advantages of Revolax filler include its high purity, optimal viscoelasticity, and consistent particle size. These properties contribute to its ability to integrate seamlessly into the skin, providing smooth and natural results for patients.

Benefits and Uses of Revolax Filler

Revolax Filler does wonders for the skin. Some of the main Revolax filler benefits include: 

Long-lasting results

Revolax filler is known for its longevity, offering patients results that can last for an extended period. This benefit reduces the frequency of touch-up treatments, providing convenience and cost-effectiveness for both patients and practitioners.

Natural-looking effects

The formulation of Revolax filler allows for the creation of subtle and natural enhancements. Whether used for volumizing or contouring, the filler seamlessly integrates with the skin, delivering results that appear authentic and harmonious with the patient’s facial features.

Versatility in aesthetic treatments

Revolax filler is versatile and can be used for various aesthetic treatments, including lip augmentation, cheek enhancement, tear trough correction, and more. Its adaptability makes it a valuable tool for addressing a wide range of patient concerns.

Common Treatment Areas

Revolax filler is quite versatile and can be used on many different areas to help with:

Reducing Nasolabial Folds

Reducing nasolabial folds has become easier with Revolax Deep with Lidocaine. This thick, long-lasting gel targets the deep wrinkles and lines that run from the nose to the mouth corners.

By injecting this filler into the deep dermis or beneath, the overall facial structure will have more volume where needed. The results last anywhere between 8-12 months, making it an excellent choice for those looking to maintain a smoother complexion without frequent treatments.

Increasing Jaw Definition

For those looking to boost jaw definition, Revolax Sub-Q with Lidocaine is the go-to choice. This filler is the thickest in the lineup and suits jaw augmentation perfectly. It offers a way to shape and define the jawline without surgery offering results that last between 12 to 18 months.

One ml of Revolax can bring about significant yet natural-looking changes. Doctors use precise methods with smaller, sturdier needles for this procedure. Such tools give them better control and ensure accuracy when defining the jawline. This benefit makes it an ideal option for patients aiming for noticeable but subtle enhancements in their appearance.

Enhancing Lips

Revolax Fine with Lidocaine is a top choice for enhancing lips because it gives a smooth, natural look by adding a slight definition to the lip border. Just 0.5ml of Revolax can make lips look subtly fuller and more defined.

This technique works well for Russian lips too, offering a style that many clients ask for.

Professionals choose Revolax because it has 24mg of Hyaluronic Acid. This high concentration helps improve superficial lines and makes lips stand out, but still keeps them looking real. Clients love the results they see with their enhanced lips – fuller yet not overdone.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty uses Revolax Sub-Q with Lidocaine to reshape the nose without surgery. This method is popular for its precision and ability to deliver natural-looking results.

The filler, made from non-animal sourced cross-linked HA, offers a high level of viscoelasticity—making it perfect for fine adjustments and sculpting. Doctors choose this approach because it involves minimal downtime and provides an immediate effect. Plus, there’s little risk of migration, meaning the result stays where it is needed.

This technique has become a go-to option for patients wanting a quick fix without committing to permanent changes or undergoing surgery.

Application Techniques for Revolax Filler

When administering Revolax filler, it is crucial to follow safe injection protocols and best practices. Precision and expertise are essential to achieve optimal results while minimizing the risk of complications. Practitioners should consider the patient’s facial anatomy and desired outcomes when determining the injection technique and volume. There are several products available as part of the Revolax range:

Deep with Lidocaine

Deep with Lidocaine targets deep wrinkles and areas needing volume like cheeks, chins, and lips. It’s great for those looking to add definition or smooth out aging signs without surgery.

Professionals prefer Revolax Deep for its durability and effectiveness in facial augmentation. Its consistency ensures natural-looking results, making it a popular option for enhancing facial features with precision. This choice stands out due to its strength in treating deeper lines while offering comfort through lidocaine, which lessens pain during injection.

Clients seeking noticeable yet subtle enhancements find this product meets their needs excellently.

Fine with Lidocaine

Revolax Fine with Lidocaine is a game-changer for tackling superficial lines. It’s specifically crafted to smooth out those pesky fine lines that appear around the eyes, mouth, and neck—think crow’s feet, frown lines, and even delicate neck creases.

Plus, it’s a go-to for achieving the coveted Russian lips look. Its formula ensures immediate enhancements in these areas.

Clients walk away with instant improvements that are quite long-lasting results (anywhere from 8-12 months – so this option offers both convenience and satisfaction in one neat package.

Sub-Q with Lidocaine

Sub-Q with Lidocaine stands out for treating deep to extremely severe wrinkles. It’s perfect for non-surgical rhinoplasty, and enhancing cheeks, chin, and jaw without surgery. This option lasts between 12-18 months, making it a durable choice in aesthetic improvement.

Aftercare and Longevity of Revolax Filler

Taking care of your skin after getting Revolax filler is key. The effects are long-lasting, but aftercare is the key player in ensuring they last as long as possible.

Lip Filler Aftercare

Caring for your lips after a Revolax filler treatment is crucial for the best results. Here are important steps to follow:

  1. Keep your lips clean by gently washing them with a mild soap and water. This helps to prevent any infections.
  2. Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and bruising. Ice packs wrapped in a soft cloth work well, but do not apply ice directly to your skin.
  3. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, which helps the lips heal faster.
  4. Avoid makeup on your lips for at least 24 hours after the procedure to prevent irritation.
  5. Stay away from extreme temperatures like hot saunas or very cold environments for the first few days following your treatment.
  6. Do not exercise vigorously for 24-48 hours as increased blood flow can worsen swelling or bruising.
  7. Sleep with your head elevated the first night to help reduce swelling.
  8. Limit salty foods and alcohol, as they can increase swelling and prolong healing.
  9. Avoid pressing or massaging your lips immediately after the procedure to prevent displacing the filler.
  10. Follow any specific advice given by your medical professional regarding aftercare products or further care tips specific to your treatment.

Following these guidelines will help you enjoy beautiful, healthy-looking lips with Revolax filler for as long as possible.

How Long Does Revolax Filler Last?

So, Revolax how long does it last? Well, Revolax filler is known for its long-lasting effects. The Sub-Q, which is the thickest in the range, can stay in the body for up to 12 to 18 months. Similarly, Revolax Deep with Lidocaine also offers a duration of 12-18 months before it starts to fade. For Revolax Fine, expect results to stay for 8-12 months. 

This durability comes from its high visco-elasticity that gives immediate and enduring volume.

This lasting impact means clients need fewer touch-ups over time, making Revolax a good option for those looking to maintain their aesthetic enhancements with minimal fuss.

This longevity also ensures that treatments remain cost-effective and convenient, aligning well with busy lifestyles while offering sustained confidence in appearance.

Need for Repeated Treatments

Revolax fillers, like many cosmetic treatments, don’t last forever, and after a while, clients may see their initial concerns return as the filler wears off.

This means repeat treatments are necessary to maintain results. Clients should plan for touch-ups once they notice diminishing effects. Scheduling these follow-ups is part of the treatment journey.

This ensures that enhancements remain consistent and adjustments can be made if needed. It’s a cycle of care that keeps the desired look fresh and in line with client expectations.


In conclusion, Revolax filler offers medical professionals a reliable option for achieving natural and lasting results in various aesthetic treatments. Its long-lasting effects, natural-looking outcomes, and versatility make it a valuable tool for addressing a wide range of patient concerns. By considering the benefits, uses, and application techniques of Revolax filler, medical professionals can enhance their ability to provide high-quality aesthetic treatments and meet the diverse needs of their patients.


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