

Original price was: € 60.00.Current price is: € 55.00.

  • Manufacturer : Professional Derma SA
  • Pack Size: 11-8ml masks
  • B – Brand Name
  • OTC – Non Prescription

Estimated delivery: Spain 24-48 hours | Europe: 48 -72 hours

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Product Information

Jalupro Moisturizing Biocellulose Face Mask

Buy jalupro Moisturizing Biocellulose Face Mask online, a skin mask that helps to significantly reduce the visible signs of aging, such as dehydrated and dull complexion, sagging skin, wrinkles and scars. It helps increase hydration and promotes collagen synthesis improving the skin's appearance. These masks can be used at home like other aesthetic procedures and are the ideal treatment for the skin after a Jalupro or HMW Jalupro fillers treatment or a clinical aesthetic procedure - such as needling, radiofrequency treatment, carboxytherapy, laser therapy and intense light treatment - as these masks help improve the final results.

Where can I buy this product?

You can order Jalupro Moisturizing Biocellulose Face Masks online from GlowHealth.eu, or you can call our friendly customer service associates to make an order. When you buy Jalupro Moisturizing Biocellulose Face Masks from Glow Health, you are gaining a treatment that can enhance in-clinic aesthetic procedures for even better results.

Buy jalupro Moisturizing Biocellulose Face Mask online.

What does this product come with?

Jalupro Moisturizing Biocellulose Face Mask is supplied in individually wrapped, vacuumed-packed flexible foil pouches to prevent the evaporation of the active ingredients. Each pack comes with four masks. Packs of Jalupro Moisturizing Biocellulose Face Mask are sold in quantities of five and 11.

What are the benefits of this product?

Jalupro Moisturizing Biocellulose Face Mask hydrates and improves the texture and tone of skin. This sheet mask treatment promotes absorption of the anti-aging ingredients so that they work better. Treatment with Jalupro Moisturizing Biocellulose Face Mask is an easy, relaxing experience for patients that leaves them with softer, firmer and more youthful-looking skin.

How does this product work?

Aging brings about aesthetic changes to the skin that can be undesirable due to the breakdown of structural proteins like elastin and collagen and loss of skin hydration over time. This sheet mask delivers anti-aging ingredients that address these issues to help counter the signs of aging like wrinkles, dull skin, and subcutaneous laxity. The main substance of this face mask, hyaluronic acid, improves hydration in the skin by acting as a humectant; it partially restores facial volume in the process. The actions of this hyaluronic acid result in better-looking skin and reduced wrinkles. Furthermore, the amino acid mix contained in this mask treatment helps spur the production of new collagen and elastin. When applied on the skin, these ingredients help in bringing about overall improvement in skin texture and tone, restoring elasticity, and tightening the skin. As such, this treatment is also suitable to complement certain aesthetic therapies, as the biorevitalizers in the sheet mask help promote hydration, healing, and biorestructuring for enhanced results from these procedures.

The anti-aging ingredients of Jalupro Moisturizing Biocellulose Face Mask are optimally delivered to the skin through a polyethylene sheet that also behaves as an occlusive, ensuring the ingredients remain on the skin for the required amount of time for optimal absorption and penetration.

It helps increase hydration and promotes collagen synthesis improving the skin's appearance. 

What are the ingredients?

The serum contained in Jalupro Moisturizing Biocellulose Face Mask contains high concentrations of medium molecular weight hyaluronic acid and a mix of amino acids (L-Lysine, L-Proline, Glycine, L-Leucine). The serum is infused into a non-woven polyethylene fabric that is cut to optimally occlude particular areas of the skin of the face.