JUVEDERM® ULTRA 4 (2x1ml) 24mg/ml, 3mg/ml 2-1ml prefilled syringes

JUVEDERM® ULTRA 4 (2x1ml) 24mg/ml, 3mg/ml 2-1ml prefilled syringes


  • Manufacturer : Allergan
  • Active Substance(s) : Hyaluronic acid, lidocaine
  • Strength: 24mg/ml, 3mg/ml
  • Pack Size: 2-1ml prefilled syringes
  • Accessories : Package insert, 4-27G 1/2” needles, 4 traceability labels
  • B – Brand Name
  • RX – Prescription

Estimated delivery: Spain 24-48 hours | Europe: 48 -72 hours

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Delivered sealed in original manufacturer’s packaging.

Product Information

What is Juvederm Ultra 4?

Buy Juvederm Ultra 4 is the world's most popular dermal filler. This filler is a sterile, pyrogen-free, physiological solution of cross-linked hyaluronic acid gel that is not of animal origin. Juvederm Ultra 4 injections are a popular procedure used to fill any deep skin depression by injection into the deep dermis, as well as for lip and cheek augmentation. This product contains lidocaine. The presence of lidocaine is intended to reduce the patient's pain during treatment. Juvederm Ultra 4 is indicated to restore volume and correct deeper skin folds and wrinkles. It is an aesthetic medicine product for aesthetic clinics and professionals of the Juvéderm range.

Accessories or items included

2 prefilled 1ml syringes
4 sterile 27G1/2” needles
Package insert
A set of labels in order to ensure traceability

Buy Juvederm Ultra 4

What are the benefits of this product?

Juvederm Ultra 4 is a dermal filler made from hyaluronic acid using the Hyalacross technology, which makes Juvederm Ultra 4 a highly stable and durable product. As well, Juvederm Ultra 4 contains the anesthetic lidocaine to improve patient comfort.

How does this product work?

As your patients age, their body loses the hyaluronic acid which normally hydrates their skin and transports nutrients. This leads to saggy skin and wrinkles, which gets worse with age. When you inject Juvederm Ultra 4 into your patient's skin, the hyaluronic acid fills in the creases and hollows in the skin, increasing in volume by about a thousand times. As your patient's skin fills out, their skin gets tighter and their wrinkles smooth out.

What are the ingredients?

Hyaluronic acid gel (24mg/ml)
Lidocaine hydrochloride (3mg/ml)

Use Instructions

How to inject/administer this product?

Before treatment, inform your patients of the associated indications, contraindications, precautions, warnings, and potential side effects. Disinfect the area to be treated with an appropriate disinfectant. Prepare the syringe by attaching the sterile needle securely and inject the product slowly into the treatment site. Massage the area treated after injection for proper distribution of the product.

When should I use this product?

Juvederm Ultra 4 is used to correct deep and severe skin depressions, and for lip enhancement and cheekbone augmentation.

What areas can I treat with this product?

Juvederm Ultra 4 is a thicker Juvederm formula for treating deep facial creases. Using a 27G needle, you should inject Juvederm Ultra 4 deep into your patient's skin to correct deep wrinkles, smooth out nasolabial folds, fill in cheeks and other hollow areas of your patient's face, shape your patient's chin and face, and some doctors even use Juvederm Ultra 4 to plump up lips. However, Juvederm Ultra 4 should not be used to treat frown lines or the area under your patient's eyes.

How long do results last?

Your patients should see an immediate effect, with the results lasting for about a year. To maintain the effects, additional treatments should be performed yearly, or as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use this filler to treat my patient's face?

Yes. Patients suitable for Juvederm Ultra 4 injections are those that would like to treat facial volume loss such as in the hollow areas of the face and smooth out deep lines and wrinkles.

What are the most important tips for my patient's safety before I inject them with Juvederm Ultra 4?

If your patients have a history of severe allergies, you should use caution when giving them Juvederm Ultra 4 injections. You should also use caution when injecting Juvederm Ultra 4 into patients who are taking medications that prolong bleeding, that have a history of excessive scarring, that have suppressed immune systems, that are pregnant or nursing, that are under the age of 18, or that have just had a chemical peel or laser treatments.

Why is Juvederm such a popular dermal filler?

Juvederm Ultra 4 is designed to correct your patient's most severe facial wrinkles and folds. With a well-established safety profile and proven track record, you can be assured that Juvederm products are held to the highest quality standards and will guarantee patient satisfaction.

Juvederm Ultra 4 is indicated to restore volume and correct deeper skin folds and wrinkles.

what are the most common side effects?

Most patients react well to Juvederm Ultra 4, since the main ingredient, hyaluronic acid, is found naturally in the human body. However, some possible short-term and mild Juvederm Ultra 4 side effects could include pain or tenderness, swelling, redness, bruising, discoloration, firmness, lumps or bumps, and itching. The lidocaine in Juvederm Ultra 4 does help to reduce your patient's pain and discomfort.

Who can inject this product?

Juvederm Ultra 4 is indicated only for intradermal injections and injections in the mucous membrane of the lips by an authorized medical practitioner in accordance with local applicable regulations. As precision is essential to a successful treatment, the product must be used by medical practitioners who have undertaken specific training in injection technique for filling.